Friday 11 January 2013

The Beatles.♫

My boys. John, Paul, Ringo and George <3

Okay. When people say "Why do you love The Beatles" or something like that I don't even know how to answer. Basically I've grown up listening to them without even realising. I pretty much was always in my nan's flat throughout my childhood, and we would always be in the kitchen doing something together, and the radio would always be on in there playing 60's classics on Gold radio. They always played the same songs from that era, and particularly The Beatles because their music was soooooo popular around that time! So basically I learnt all the words to loads of the songs from the 60's and know most of The Beatles songs off by heart. So yeah, I loved them and they mean so much to me. They just remind me of growing up, and spending time with my family and just the happiest and best times of my life and it's unreal how much that means to me. That listening to their music now can bring me back to that time and remind me of everything. 

My room has slowly become a Beatles shrine, I have mugs, coasters, a makeup bag, a bag, pictures (soooooo many pictures) and posters that I've either printed off or ordered or bought. I have some of their cds and even some of their old records and just as many Beatles things I can get my hands on because they just make me feel so so so happy.

I can be in the worst mood ever. Literally feeling so down, and I play their album and things automatically seem better again! It's amazing :)

Although growing up I heard their songs on the radio, it wasn't untill the start of year 10 that I began listening to their music through choice! I am so glad I did though it was the best decision I ever made hahaha. So yeah basically I know for a fact I will still be listening to their songs when I am a lot older and most probably for the rest of my life. Their lyrics are just beautiful and I can relate to them so much and they have definitely changed the way I think about some things. Over 50 years later their music is still loved and is changing lives and therefore I definitely 100% believe they are the best band ever to have been, and that will ever be x 

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