Friday 11 January 2013

John Lennon.☮

This member of The Beatles deserves a little section just for him. John Lennon. Okay don't even know where to start. Makes me emotional just thinking of this man. Oh my.

John Lennon has changed me as a person. That is a fact. This man has changed what I want from my life. Changed my attitude to life, an changed my attitude to people. All for the better. He did this in one way. With his song 'Imagine'. That song is everything to me. On the bus to school if I'm having a shit morning I'l listen to it and it will remind me of the future I'm going to have and not to be feeling down. It made me realise that possessions and material things are not important. It reminded me that everyone is equal. They truly are. That everyone should live in peace and there should not be war or fighting or upset, there should just be everyone living together happily appreciating life and just being truly at peace. This is my mind set now, this is what I believe and the way I think and because of him, this is how I will always think. This will without a doubt change my life in the future, change what job I get, change where I live, and most importantly how I live. It encouraged me to do a little bit of volunteering for a charity before and it has certainly made me realise how I want to make a difference in the future even if it is only little. That I want to volunteer a large amount of my time when I am older and to help improve people's lives. All of this, because of this one man, this song. For this reason I love him eternally and I am more grateful to him than I could ever write. I just wish he could know how much he has changed mine and so many other people's lives for the better. That is the most massive thing anyone could do, because you only get one life, and wow I am just so thankful for him!

One day I was having such a shit day. And everything was going wrong. But I walked to my media lesson and there on my desk was a picture of him and it was just the most strange thing ever and it was so lovely :)

He means everything to me. Everything, the world, I love him. The thought that he died by being murdered makes me more upset than I could say, to think he would never want to hurt anyone yet someone put him in pain and ended his life, I cannot even handle.

John Winston Lennon forever in my heart  x x x x

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