Friday 11 January 2013

New year. Happy 2013!☆

IN 2012:
  • I found who my true best friends are!
  • Made friends with a lot more people
  • At the same time, fell out with A LOT of people and figured out who is worth my time and who definitely, definitely isn't!
  • Learn't that people aren't always going to be nice. I learnt how to take criticism, and how to even take insults, and to not let them get me down or upset me and most importantly not to believe them!
  • Learnt not to trust boys. At all! Ever!
  • Got a few A's in some gcse controlled assessments and exams I did this year.
  • Went on a diet for 2 months successfully! Longest time i've ever stuck to a diet :) It was the soup diet and I lost 6 pounds by the very end, not a drastic amount but I was happy! I stopped it just before the christmas holidays.
  • Went on holiday to Portugal 
  • Did work experience at my primary school! Met some lovely people and also remembered some old faces from the past!
  • Started posting my own pictures on tumblr :)
  • Became more positive.
  • Decided that I'm not going to change for anyone. Fuck it. I can be miserable and weird and say the wrong thing 99% of the time, regret a lot of things, hold grudges for way too long, willingly fall out with someone quite quickly, etcetc, but why should I change, I know despite all this I'd never go out of my way to upset someone or make them feel like shit. And that's all that matters I guess.
goodbye 2012 :) 

New Years Eve was so good! We went to a party and I wore for dress for the first time aw! My rottterzzz looked fucking beautiful! Had a really good night, minus a few unfortunate events hahahaha.. hmmmm.. ughhhh.. but yeah overall was eventful and fun(: 

New years Resolutions: 
  • Be nicer! Nah actually fuck that shit
  • Just be myself!
  • TRY and improve my attendance
  • Go to the gym
  • Save some money
  • Dye my hair a bright colour
  • Just have fun really, and be happy! xxxxxxxxx

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