Saturday 12 January 2013

My Children's Story ✍

Flaxen Fox Goes Missing

These are the characters in my story. From left to right.
Flaxen Fox himself, his siblings, Boris Badger and Flaxen's mum 'Mother Fox'.

It was a a cold and frosty evening 2 days before Christmas. Down a big, cosy borrow lived a family of foxes. Flaxen the fox was the youngest of his brothers and sisters and was always playing and being mischievous. This evening, Flaxen's mother decided that she was going to go out into the woods to collect some decorations for their home." I am going to get us some holly and chestnuts, children, do you of you want to come with me?" said Mother Fox, gently. "Yes please Mum! I want to come! I want to come!" demanded Flaxen. "Oh alright then, go and grab your wellies, hat and scarf! But make sure that you behave!"Mother said.

Trotting along side by side, they were helping each other collect fresh, green chestnuts that had fallen from the tall chestnut tree. All off a sudden Flaxen tripped on a stone and the basket of chestnuts they had collected sawed down the hill and landed with an almighty splash in the pond. "Look what you've done Flaxen!" Mother shouted. 

With tears swelling in his eyes, Flaxen darted off down the other side of the hill as fast as his legs could carry him. After running for what seemed to be a million years, he stopped.
He glanced around, in hope he would see his mother not far behind him on the hill, but all he could see were dark tree trunks. Flaxen curled p as tightly as he could and felt very scared as he began to see the stars come out in the sky and he knew night time was coming.

Meanwhile, Flaxen's Mother was very worried and had been searching for Flaxen for three hours but simply couldn't find him. It became dark and she knew her other children would worry about where Flaxen and herself had got to so she hurried back to her  burrow. "I will search for Flaxen as soon as the sun starts to rise." mother comforted. 

It was the morning of Christmas Eve and just like every day out in the forest; the birds started tweeting all through the trees. Their loud chirps woke up Flaxen quickly. He was very confused and felt very alone and scared. "Mum, where are you?" he called. Suddenly a noise started coming from behind him. "Who's there?" a croaky old voice spoke. "I'm Flaxen, wh-wh-who are you?" he nervously replied. "I'm Borris Badger, what's your name and what are you doing here young chap?", "I'm Flaxen Fox and I'm lost!", "Don't be worried littlen, I will help you back to your home."

Snow began to pour from the sky and a blizzard swept around the two animals as they trudged through the fields. "You are a lucky little boy to have a family to spend Christmas with!" muttered Badger softly. "I don't have any one." he added. Flaxen Fox felt very bad for Badger and knew he would hate to not have a family. "You can stay with me and my family for Christmas! We will have so much fun Badger!" Flaxen excitedly shouted. "How kind of you, I accept your offer!" said Badger in a jolly voice.

A few hours later they reached a big hill. The same hill that Flaxen had dropped all the chestnuts down the day before. The basket and the chestnuts were still floating on the surface. Flaxen explained to Borris Badger what had happened. They decide to reach for the basket and gather up some fresh chestnuts to bring to Mother. 

"Mum!Mum! I'm home! I have come back!" called Flaxen over the top of his burrow. "Flaxen!" a delighted voice called out from below. Mother was so happy that Flaxen had come home safely, and thanked Badger very much for his help. "You must never run away again!","I promise!" replied Flaxen. Flaxen told his mum about Borris Badger and she happily welcomed him to spend Christmas with the Fox family. Mother decorated the entire burrow with chestnuts and holly and they had a wonderful, wonderful Christmas day.

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