Friday 11 January 2013

My best friends ∞

Becca.Yasmin.Lauren.Katy <3

Already been best friends for ages. But a few months ago, we left being in a bigger group and it started to just be us 4. The first sleepover we had just us 4 was the happiest and best night ever and I remember it so well! It was Hastings bonfire, we watched Meangirls, had loads of food and we was all just so,so happy. 
Since then we've had so many memories, basically every single weekend, and every day at school. Literally spend most of our time either talking about how we've most recently been mugged off, of just laughing. We all have the same humour and we are just constantly in hysterics at things other people would like never find funny. Tell each other everything. We don't hide how we feel around eachother, or pretend. If we're feeling down, we'll act it, if we're feeling hyper, we'll be hyper, if we're feeling not very chatty, it doesn't matter, and no matter what mood we're in, nothing ever changes. And if we are feeling down or whatever, pretty soon we will be feeling happy again. We have a Rotterz/Bezzies page, ahaha. We post literally anything, omg I would hate so much for anyone to see our page! We take the most rotter pictures literally E V E R. So so ugly. Wow. But it's funny to just take looking ugly as a joke and to not always be serious and care what you look like, who gives a shit, #uglyandproud.

So many memories, like don't even know where to start actually!

Hastings Bonfire. Battle Bonfire. Robertsbridge Bonfire. Halloween. SCHOOL. SLEEPOVERS. Town. Parties. Gatherings.. so, so, so many gatherings omg. We used to go to a gathering in some random field every single weekend! Don't even know how or why we did it though hahaha. Cinema - the old classic Skyfall. Shakeaway- Nutella + Daim is our speciality I think! Panto, watching Raz be a princess! Literally the amount of memories is crazy, and it feels like it's always been us 4. I have the most genuine, amazing bestfriend ever, and I never want to take them for granted, because I really am so lucky. 
So hilarious. Omg Becca hated this picture but I wanted to put it on, so we improvised with eachother. he agreed to let me put it on if I put these teeth on her. Hahahaha. Oh yes Raz, they make you look smashing. Just like Timid John's teeth baby.
HALLOWEEN. Me and Raz went trick or treating with little Sophie. It was actually a hilarious night omg, Mega-Organic Marianna made us try and 'scare' this boy on the doorstep and he wasn't scared at all hahaha #mugged off. We got some makeup stuff from the old Sainsburies and just looked a treat really. Raz put blood on my top because I let her have a go and well she didn't quite accomplish the technique hahaha.. And ofcourse the old classic black cat came along and is still in Raz's room now! ( It's a toy..) 

Later on.. kazza came round :) :) Lozza was in New York, we missed her loads but she was having an amazing holiday so it's all good!

That night was hilarious omg.

                  TOWIP! THE ONLY WAY IS PESTO <3 ( AND HUMOUS. ) 
... "This humous connotes it is the end of the day" - Kazza. 

 This was Jacque's house party night.. was so so good! Started off with a weird taxi journey, haha, then very eventful stuff like getting in a baby's cot, eating and drinking everything in the cupboards, drinking the weirdest concoction of drinks ever like wtf. raspberry sauce, a lot of nutella and spoon action, toilet trips, tampon confusion for raz, hilarious pictures, and omg just such a funny and good night! (:

  The night of Jacque's party, hahaha, us looking hot as usual. All doing a completely different pose aww..
Oh yeah, forgot to say at the beginning. We are princesses <3 
Lozza = Belle
Yazza = Jasmine
Razza = Rapunzel 
Kazza = Ariel
It all fits us so so well awwww. :')

 HAHAHAHA. DEFINITELY UP THERE IN THE MOST ROTTER PIC WE HAVE EVER TAKEN. the funny part is how we was actually trying to look decent hahaha. When i saw the picture i actually started screaming with laughter it was a joke, raz told me to shut up but i couldn't contain myself..
#saggyfacesyndrome #sag #smalleyes. 

At kazza's house <3 May i just say that i really love my chin and nose from this angle x

Best friends <3 Hilda Jasmine and Kazza x #photoshoot
hahaha she looks so #relaxed

mmmmmmmmmmm fit

(before gym- but i forgot my gym card, so we couldn't go, so that went to plan..)

raz is fresh out the womb! hahaha!
omg <3 science times <3 
love science so much whether it's with CEG or TOLFERZ because it's so so funny, so many memories in science actually, aww, making sexual noises, etc, literaly E V E R Y T H I N G gets discussed in science, and we was really really pleased when mrs basically told us that she has heard / can hear, everything we ever say :) yayaya :) she knows all about our dirty tendencies and antics and probably how Raz enjoys a stroll in the woods from time to time..

Bus to ninny bon bon, omg hahaha this was a HILARIOUS bus journey, first of all debating whether to have a piss on the bus, kazza was actually squatting at one point and me and lozza was in actual hysterics, toooo funny, and then that women!! having a go at us and being so so rude! Nnnnastty! 

Before bat bat bon bon 
hahaha "do i look like a clown?"

Okay. Basically so so many more memories.We make more memories every day! And we normally do #DailyDiaries to remember all the funny times (:
Too many pictures to put on here and too many memories to write, but the pictures are all over my wall and I print them off regularly to keep it updated!
We are forever getting mugged off. Hence this is our new mug collection 2k13 bruv x

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