Saturday 19 January 2013


                                            TURKEY SUMMER 2010. 

Me and Jae playing in the waves, haha.

Beautiful Oludeniz Beach.

Me and Jae at a funfair in Hisaronu.

Me at the beach haha.

Us out for a meal.

Coming down the slide at the Orka in Ovacik.

Us after a day at the beach.

Us at the Waterpark.

Me jumping in! Was such a good holiday :)

Me at Saklikent.

Market in Turkey.

Pretty flowers that hung over my balcony.

View of Fethiye and further regions from my front balcony.

Sunset view.

Tempory tattoo.

View from up a big mountain near me.

Market selling fruit and vegetables in Turkey.

My mum and the sun in the background aw.

Cow at my nan and grandad's farm.

Horse coming up near my apartmen!

Turkish meal at my nan and grandad's.

Saturday 12 January 2013

Hair colours I have been! ✄













Things I want to buy. £

Well it has only just been Christmas, and my Christmas presents combined with my Christmas money that I have mostly spent, means that I have got literally everything I could have wanted. I don't neeed anything but there are a few things that throughout the next few months I would really like to buy, or dream about buying..

Baby Pink Skater Skirt -Topshop £34.
I never wear skirts, but in 2013 I want to start wearing more skirts and dresses and not just wearing leggings to parties and gatherings. This is so pretty, there are also some other colours I like that this skirt comes in: Baby blue and the classic Black!

Dip Dye Broderie Bralet  - Topshop £15.
I could probably manage without this one, since I have lots of bralets and crop tops, but I think this is really pretty and I love the dip dye effect a lot. I thought this would look really nice with the skirt above, so if I do have a lot of spare £££ one weekend I may have to invest in this beast, but if not I'l just wear the skirt with something I already own!
Black Stud Embellished Heels - New Look £29.99
I had never ever worn heels in my life before New years Eve, when I borrowed Lozza's! I found them a lot easier than I thought to walk in and I really really liked them. So I want to get my own pair! I think these ones are really nice and would go with any outfit pretty much so I'd love to buy these when I can afford them!
Oatmeal Spike Stud Embellished Heels
These are the same as the heels before but these appear to be like a baby pink sort of colour, which would therefore go really well with the skirt! I'm not sure which pair I would buy first, maybe the black so I could wear them with anything for a while untill I had enough money to buy this pair! Who knows! I probably won't be able to afford either, hahaha.

White Tropical Flower Halterneck Bikini Top - New Look £14.99
I really like this bikini top but I would preferably like a bikini with matching underwear hahaha, so I probably won't go for this one unless I find some cheap plain white bottoms or something to wear with this! I'l see. But yeah I think this is really pretty and colourful and not very expensive so yeah! Think I might possibly be going on holiday to Turkey in April so I would need this for then! 

My Children's Story ✍

Flaxen Fox Goes Missing

These are the characters in my story. From left to right.
Flaxen Fox himself, his siblings, Boris Badger and Flaxen's mum 'Mother Fox'.

It was a a cold and frosty evening 2 days before Christmas. Down a big, cosy borrow lived a family of foxes. Flaxen the fox was the youngest of his brothers and sisters and was always playing and being mischievous. This evening, Flaxen's mother decided that she was going to go out into the woods to collect some decorations for their home." I am going to get us some holly and chestnuts, children, do you of you want to come with me?" said Mother Fox, gently. "Yes please Mum! I want to come! I want to come!" demanded Flaxen. "Oh alright then, go and grab your wellies, hat and scarf! But make sure that you behave!"Mother said.

Trotting along side by side, they were helping each other collect fresh, green chestnuts that had fallen from the tall chestnut tree. All off a sudden Flaxen tripped on a stone and the basket of chestnuts they had collected sawed down the hill and landed with an almighty splash in the pond. "Look what you've done Flaxen!" Mother shouted. 

With tears swelling in his eyes, Flaxen darted off down the other side of the hill as fast as his legs could carry him. After running for what seemed to be a million years, he stopped.
He glanced around, in hope he would see his mother not far behind him on the hill, but all he could see were dark tree trunks. Flaxen curled p as tightly as he could and felt very scared as he began to see the stars come out in the sky and he knew night time was coming.

Meanwhile, Flaxen's Mother was very worried and had been searching for Flaxen for three hours but simply couldn't find him. It became dark and she knew her other children would worry about where Flaxen and herself had got to so she hurried back to her  burrow. "I will search for Flaxen as soon as the sun starts to rise." mother comforted. 

It was the morning of Christmas Eve and just like every day out in the forest; the birds started tweeting all through the trees. Their loud chirps woke up Flaxen quickly. He was very confused and felt very alone and scared. "Mum, where are you?" he called. Suddenly a noise started coming from behind him. "Who's there?" a croaky old voice spoke. "I'm Flaxen, wh-wh-who are you?" he nervously replied. "I'm Borris Badger, what's your name and what are you doing here young chap?", "I'm Flaxen Fox and I'm lost!", "Don't be worried littlen, I will help you back to your home."

Snow began to pour from the sky and a blizzard swept around the two animals as they trudged through the fields. "You are a lucky little boy to have a family to spend Christmas with!" muttered Badger softly. "I don't have any one." he added. Flaxen Fox felt very bad for Badger and knew he would hate to not have a family. "You can stay with me and my family for Christmas! We will have so much fun Badger!" Flaxen excitedly shouted. "How kind of you, I accept your offer!" said Badger in a jolly voice.

A few hours later they reached a big hill. The same hill that Flaxen had dropped all the chestnuts down the day before. The basket and the chestnuts were still floating on the surface. Flaxen explained to Borris Badger what had happened. They decide to reach for the basket and gather up some fresh chestnuts to bring to Mother. 

"Mum!Mum! I'm home! I have come back!" called Flaxen over the top of his burrow. "Flaxen!" a delighted voice called out from below. Mother was so happy that Flaxen had come home safely, and thanked Badger very much for his help. "You must never run away again!","I promise!" replied Flaxen. Flaxen told his mum about Borris Badger and she happily welcomed him to spend Christmas with the Fox family. Mother decorated the entire burrow with chestnuts and holly and they had a wonderful, wonderful Christmas day.

Friday 11 January 2013

My best friend Lucy. ツ

My bestfriend. My absolute world. Okay erm. Really don't know where to start hahahaha. Oh lulu. Erm yeah basically u r an ok pal of mine. A chum. A bud. A m8. Nah only kidding. You are the world's best friend you could ever have. I have let you down sometimes and we have basically been through so many things together wow. I came into your life the day you lost someone extremely important. And I think it was meant to be that that happened. That's the day I actually remember talking to you for the first time. It's weird, as one leaves, another person enters your life to always be there for you and make sure you are always going to be ok. You make me so happy literally. You honestly are my husband. I feel like I'm in a bloody relationship with you sometimes hahahahaha. Literally like I am so close to you but I think we would both like to think we may one day be blessed with a male version of each other hahaha, would be avv. We can dream;). The amount of memories I've had with you is pretty ridiculous. Would never be able to think and list of them. We have been best friends for over 2 years now. Which in some ways sounds so long but it feels like I have known you since the moment I was born it honestly really does. Feels like I've grown up with you. But I think we came into each other's lives at just at the right time. You made my life so much happier than it had been in a long time, you made me laugh and still do obviously haha soooo much it's crazy, and I make you laugh too and aw we're always being sarcastic and just always laughing. We have been on 2 holidays and hopefully will have another holiday this year! Or maybe 2 who knows! We have plans for the future that WILL HAPPEN. We will live with each other at some stage, go travelling!, Berlin ;), own a shop together, Cultro;) I have wrote you a novel pretty much on all our memories ahhhahaha . Made you a birthday card that was pages long, with lots of pictures in of weasels and badgers etc you know the usual. I will put some pictures on of some of our memories over the last couple of years but I will no way be able to put them all on hahaha no absolute chance! But i'l try! Anyway, basically, you know how much I love you, but yeah I really really do. I know I fuck you off the max and I can be sooo annoying haha but yeah Lucy please never leave my life ( like I imagine all the time, :):Doxxoxox ) you will be a part of it forever. You know every single detail about who I am and about my life, about the way I think about what I want from life and i definitely think you know me better than I know myself. 100%. Although saying that, you did absolutely foul on that best friend quiz we did yesterday, my FAV COLOUR IS RED? R U MAD BRO. HAHAHA IT'S YELLOW MAN :( but yeah I suppose i did guess that you had a cousin called Sally.. loool... You have made me so happy, I can have such a shit day and you will always make me feel better.  I will never take you for granted, not everyone is lucky enough to have a soul mate like you in there life, but I have find mine and I will do everything I can to never not have you. So yeah overall, you are a good acquaintance. Peace out bruv. 

Our first holiday together in portugal! We crack up now because of my hair hahaha what the actual fuck! Such a good holiday sooo many memories and good times, one of the best holidays of my life. Summer 2011!

These sweets were amazing they were like jellies covered in sugar weren't they. Oh my. We have to go back there one day and get them again hahaha we was like savouring them, like biting half and saving it. Lol x 

Also summer 2011 - Portugal, think this may have been one of our final days and we took some photos before going out for a meal, I love you x Similar to the one we took holding hands by the pool and my hair looks sooooo short it's hilarious :')

Omfg hahaha always makes me laugh, I really shouldn't be in this photo! Haha I completely ruin it but it's funny, awww I remember going to visit her with you! There's me getting all emotional nearly weeping with tears and you're there completely fine like all her actual family hahaha omg.

At your old house. One of my favourite pictures of us ever!x

 Hahahaha us inside the science museum! So funny looks like we're spies or something..
Us when I used to come to scouts with you! Hhaha, and this one day the Police people came and we tried on their hats aw x

Hastings Bonfire '2011'? I think? Hahaha! Aw this was the first time we ever went out by ourselves at night, we was shitting ourselves we was soooo scared bless us x

You used to come round every monday in year 9 ( and still do ) and we'd always have a routine : take pictures, make a cake or something then go downstairs. Hhahaha

I miss these times here i was all sunny and we'd go in the garden and sit and talk for ages! And we'd also jump from chairs and swing and climb up my trees...

Aw aw! First photo ever taken of me and you, weird to think how many there has been since and at this time we had no idea x 

Year 9 camp.The best week of my life. Looool JK! Was a nightmare and at the time I seriously contemplated running home through the fields and hijacking someone's car. We was deprived of food and i've never been happier to see that chocolate bar that day. Nearly cried. We refused to do all the activities, but the ones we did do, e.g the bike ride is probably one of the funniest and best memories i have, it was an absolute joke. " COME ON LUCY, YOU CAN DO IT!!" AHAHA " I CAN DO IT, I CAN" absolutely unreal funny. I never thought i'd look back on that week and smile but now i really do, the amount of funny things that happened was insane. The bubble gum and lemonade flavour lollys! mmm! <3 

hahahahahah x 

Before Hastings, I think we went to the west hill this day x

Our hands touching the walls inside Smugglers Adventure Caves (( where my mum thought i was going to meet with boys )) haahhhahaha x

Round your house for a sleepover back in the day x 

HALLOWEEEN 2011! Went trick or treating woo x x 

Sleepover at mine, the same night i think you insulted my digestive system? or maybe it wasn't my digestive system idek hahaha

Haven't seen this photo in so long it's absolutely hilarious omg hahaha, us up the west hill park swinging round loving life really x

Me when I was at my skinniest, you was there for me even when I was a bit of a weirdo when it came to food! And you with your reading glasses! We went to Tesco on his day and had a pot noodle and angel delight I THINK... not sure or we may have made a cake.. too many times hahaa

ahahahah! Us in Smugglers Cave timer photo, and we didn't pay for it I just took a picture of the screen. Veeer verrr cheeky

Hahahah us having a race up the bouncy castle that Lolly hired on her birthday x

This is such a funny photo omfg hahaahah we went on the mini train thing in the old town Hastings and reminisced  about how we went on it when we was younger! Awww x

Aw i remember this day, it was really sunny and nice and I'm 99% sure we was locked out at this time if I remember correctly hahaha and it was summer x

Don't remember what we did this day but yeah at some point round Lucy's house x 

Our first trip to the old town was on this day, we was so happy when we discovered it, we thought it was so 'us' and aww love it, we have been so many times since and went just the other day x

On Lucy's 14th? birthday! awwww such a lovely day hahaha, this is the photo I put into a frame for you x

Omg love this photo, soo funny, I had just played this game where you have to get sweets out of flour or something, i look so pissed off haha x

This picture is here clearly for the fact this was absolutely bloody fabulous.

No idea at all where this was may of been in portugal not too sure x 

Us at the scouts final barbeque? Hahaha aw was such a good evening up there, we did a photoshoot for eachother, mmm x
Hhahahaahahahahahah omg we look so happy 

Oh yeah bruuuuvvv. Us at Yesterday's World m8. Yeye

Us and Lucy's mum at the science museum which we BEGGED to go to hahahaha why were we such losers <3

At lucy's house! Me eating one of our many delicacies: the lolly from Rainbows! so many amazing flavours omfg we need to get them again soon come to think of it! haha x

We did the entire walk around the Battle Abbey fields, hahaha was a hilarious day so many memories like 'AHHH DIEX ALIE' omfg and me being mesmerized by the fact the solders were once actually standing where i was haha, and you said you should go back there in a year when you're doing your history gcse. THAT HAPPENED DIDN'T IT. hahaha! you're doing really really well in history come to mention it x 


The first time we ever went to Eastbourne together :) x

Took this Summer 2012! I had pink ends and lulu had purple by the looks of things!?oooh x

HAHAHAH this was summer 2012 and we was up at the west hill having a masisve heart to heart it was suchh a good evening :) This picture is so funny looks like my head is floating in mid air it's F R E A K Y man loool x

hahahahahah love lucy's face in this she does it all the time when she's pissed off and pretends to be 'pleased' 

wow. that is all i have to say. p.s i really like my teeth :) and your eyes and tongue look hot in this hun x

Some time after school round Lucy's house when i was blonde! xxx

S U M M E R 2 0 1 2 :) <3

Before Robertbridge Bonfire 2011! hehehe i didn't dare put the other picture up that we took, I know how much you love it ;)

She took me on a birthday outing to Tunbridge Wells to get my nails done etc for my birthday awwww only problem: we missed the appointment hahahahaha and i swear they charged you or something but none the less was an amazinggggg day :) bought some nice things and yeah we also omg haahha just remembered, got stopped by a photographer;) and got asked to pose for a picture, soo funny she was going to upload it onto her website but she probably took once glance and thought FUCK ME that is not going anywhere near my website, *delete* ohwell, was a nice thought

some time after school in 2012, had a sleepover, was our first one we had had in ages x

SUMMER 2012. :) <3 Sleepover round Lucy's house, we went to Tescos the next day I do believe! x

This was aggessssssssssss ago I have no idea where this was or where we was going but it was definitely in year 9 omg haha x #HOT #SXC


Shopping trip :) :) 

Us at the top of a ride in Portugal at the water park, hahaha x #YOLO 

Boat trip on our way over to Spain April 2012 <3 

Goodbye <3 I hope to have conveyed that Lucy Victoria Barber is my life and my world x
'WHO ARE YA. WHO ARE YA." - penguin.